Malley Q Mooselfluff

This is Malley Q. Mooselfluff #554111. He is from the Animal Menagerie Series. He was Issued in 2002. He is 10" tall (without antlers) . He is white long haired plush with white velour paw pads. He ha..
Quantity :
  • Model: BOYD-554111
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs

This is Malley Q. Mooselfluff #554111. He is from the Animal Menagerie Series. He was Issued in 2002. He is 10" tall (without antlers) . He is white long haired plush with white velour paw pads. He has beige suede-like antlers. He is jointed and has pellets in his bottom. Around his neck he wears a copper colored satin ribbon.